Rural, Agricultural and Environmental

The Rural, Agricultural and Environmental Network of the Social Science History Association is a broad network including research focused on rural society, on the interaction between rural and urban society, on agricultural history, and on the use of land from an environmental perspective. It rests upon the interdependence between people and land, historically and today, and the effects on humans and nature from this interdependence. Although most panels in recent meetings have addressed these questions focusing on Europe and North America during the last two centuries, panels covering other parts of the world and earlier time periods have also been arranged regularly.

Some examples of panels from past meetings are:

  • Land-Based State Modernizing Projects, 19th and 20th Centuries
  • Rural Pluralities in Europe. Histories from the Countryside since the Interwar years
  • Intra-Continental Agricultural Migration in the Old and New World (1800-2000)
  • The Global Mining Economy
  • Rural-Urban Inequalities under Industrialization
  • Land Tenure in Agrarian Transformations
  • Land and Power in the Developing World

Each year, all researchers connected to the main theme of the network are most welcome to submit panels or individual papers to the forthcoming meeting. We also welcome proposals for book sessions featuring new publications in any field relevant to rural studies as well as proposals for round tables.

At the annual meeting, there is a scheduled network meeting where ideas for the next conference are discussed. We hope to see you there to help us improve and extend the network!

Network Representatives


SSHA 2024 Final Conference Program Released

The 2024 SSHA conference (in Toronto, Oct 31 - Nov 3) program has been released and is available here.

SSHA Town Hall, March 25

The SSHA officers invite SSHA members to attend a Zoom town hall on Monday March 25 from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm EST to discuss and answer questions about the four Executive Committee motions passed on December 20, 2023, and February 8, 2024. The zoom link is here (Meeting ID: 895 1708 6578 | Password: 602250).

These motions concern our association journal, Social Science History, specifically editorial procedure guidelines, journal scope and the editor model. These motions have been posted on the SSHA website.

2024 Annual Conference Submissions Now Open

SSHA is now accepting paper and session submissions for the 2024 Annual Conference. Please visit our submission portal to submit a paper or session proposal by March 22, 2024.

Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age

SSHA 2024 Call for Papers

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