SSHA Governance and Sustainability

I. 2023-2024 Initiatives

Six Motions Adopted by the Executive Committee to implement recommendations from the 2022-2023 SSHA Committee on governance and sustainability:

1. Membership Committee

We move to establish a permanent Membership Committee, co-chaired by two members of the Executive committee, which could keep track of and update our association-wide and network lists, look into ways to maintain membership and to undertake outreach to new members, with special attention to graduate students. The two members of the executive committee will recruit 3-4 additional members of the committee who will serve a term of two years, drawing upon members who represent multiple disciplinary areas of the SSHA membership.

2. Communications Committee

We move to establish a permanent Communications Committee, co-chaired by two members of the Executive committee, which would oversee transmission channels between the membership and the executive committee, and the organization and the wider academic public. The two members of the executive committee will recruit 3-4 additional members of the committee who will serve a term of two years, drawing upon members who represent multiple disciplinary areas of the SSHA membership.

3. Ad Hoc Committee to Re-imagine the Annual Meeting

We move to establish an ad hoc Committee to Re-imagine the Annual Meeting to revisit questions concerning the format of the annual meeting, to address questions of environmental sustainability and the high cost of hybrid meetings, and to consider proposals such as having a virtual meeting every third or fourth year and establishing a policy of site selection to minimize environmental impact. The SSHA President will establish this committee, which will include one past president and the vice president.

4. Two Town Halls yearly

We move that the SSHA hold two Town Halls yearly: one at the annual meeting and another in the Spring semester, at which the membership at large can bring up their concerns to the leadership.

5. Open up Nominations process to member suggestions

We move that the Nominations Committee open up the nominations process to consider member suggestions.

6. Study establishment of an Omudsperson

We move SSHA study the possibility of establishing an Ombudsperson and provide a report at next year’s meeting.

II. 2022-2023 Initiatives

SSHA Committee on “The Future of the SSHA” 2022-2023

Co-Chairs: Ann Shola Orloff (Sociology, Northwestern University) and Cedric DeLeon (Sociology & Labor Studies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst)


  • Lisa Y Dillon
    University of Montréal (Demography)

  • Dominique Grisard
    University of Basel (Social Sciences and Gender Studies)

  • Cristina Groeger
    Lake Forest College (History and Urban Studies)

  • Tristan Ivory
    Cornell University (Sociology)

  • Kimberly Morgan
    The George Washington University (Political Science)

  • Aunrika Tucker-Shabazz
    University of Michigan (Sociology)

An initiative of Julian Go, SSHA President 2022, the Presidential ad-hoc committee on “The Future of the SSHA” was designed to address issues of governance (democracy, accountability, transparency, inclusion) and sustainability, both environmental and organizational.

This committee hosted the first town hall held January 18 2023. This town hall was a follow-up on a membership survey regarding the format of the annual meeting, and centered on questions of what to do at this year’s conference, with respect to registration fees, hybrid vs in-person format and the like. (Many of these ideas were implemented for the 2023 conference). Other topics could use further deliberation (e.g., a once every three or four years remote meeting).


After the January 18, 2023 town hall, two sub-committees were created:


  • Lisa Dillon, chair
  • Aunrika Tucker-Shabazz
  • Cristina Groeger
  • James Siodla
  • Dominique Grisard
  • (Ann Orloff)

This sub-committee held a town hall on May 24, 2023, to discuss ways SSHA can foster sustainability, outreach and inclusion within our association and for the 2023 Washington DC conference. Many of the suggestions for fostering the quality and inclusiveness of participation can be taken up by a Membership committee, proposed below.


  • Cedric DeLeon, co-chair
  • Ann Orloff, co-chair
  • Kimberly Morgan
  • Tristan Ivory

This sub-committee held a town hall on October 2, 2023. This town hall focused on concerns around communication, membership and increasing democracy, transparency and accountability. We had thought about free-standing committees, but in the course of our deliberations realized that what we needed was a more active Executive Committee that would have elected leaders take responsibility for key organizational functions, alongside some volunteers from the general membership.

III. Meetings

SSHA Town Hall #1

IV. Data

2022 SSHA Post-Conference in Chicago Survey Results

For the full set of survey questions and results, please download the survey summary PDF (linked below), which includes the open-ended questions and responses from the survey participants.

2022 SSHA Post-Conference in Chicago Survey

Question 1: What modality/modalities did you use for SSHA 2022?

Question 2: How satisfied were you with the hybrid conference overall?

Question 5: Putting aside cost issues, would you prefer in-person only or hybrid for future SSHA meetings?

Question 7: If SSHA were to offer a hybrid conference again next year, would it make you more or less likely to attend?

Question 8: Do you believe SSHA should continue to offer a hybrid option into the foreseeable future, for reasons beyond pandemic-related global travel restrictions?



SSHA 2024 Final Conference Program Released

The 2024 SSHA conference (in Toronto, Oct 31 - Nov 3) program has been released and is available here.

SSHA Town Hall, March 25

The SSHA officers invite SSHA members to attend a Zoom town hall on Monday March 25 from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm EST to discuss and answer questions about the four Executive Committee motions passed on December 20, 2023, and February 8, 2024. The zoom link is here (Meeting ID: 895 1708 6578 | Password: 602250).

These motions concern our association journal, Social Science History, specifically editorial procedure guidelines, journal scope and the editor model. These motions have been posted on the SSHA website.

2024 Annual Conference Submissions Now Open

SSHA is now accepting paper and session submissions for the 2024 Annual Conference. Please visit our submission portal to submit a paper or session proposal by March 22, 2024.

Trust and Distrust of Historical Sources in the Digital Age

SSHA 2024 Call for Papers

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